Heart is one of the most important organs in our body. It supplies oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body through the blood stream. So keeping the heart healthy is very important for our healthy life. Cardiovascular exercise or cardio exercise is the type of exercise that helps your heart work effectively. Regular cardio exercise strengthens the heart and helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, weight gain, and other problems.
In this post, we’ll discuss in detail how cardio exercise can keep your heart healthy, its benefits, and which types of exercises might be right for you.
What is cardio exercise?
Cardiovascular exercise is a type of exercise that increases the performance of our heart, lungs, and blood vessels. When you do cardio exercise, your heart rate increases and the body’s oxygen intake increases. In this process the blood circulates more effectively and improves the performance of the heart and lungs.
Benefits of Cardio Exercise:
Increases heart power:
Regular cardio exercise strengthens the heart and enables it to pump more blood with each heartbeat. It puts less stress on the heart and is effective for a long time.
Blood Pressure Control:
Cardio exercise helps control high blood pressure. Exercise keeps blood vessels flexible and improves circulation, which lowers high blood pressure.
Aids in weight loss:
Cardio exercise helps burn calories, which is very beneficial for weight loss. Regular cardio exercises burn excess fat stored in the body and keep weight under control.
Reducing stress and tension:
Regular cardio exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety. It releases hormones called endorphins in the body, which relaxes our brain and improves mood.
Aids in controlling diabetes:
Cardio exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity, which helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It also helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
Cholesterol Control:
Cardio exercise increases good cholesterol (HDL) and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL), which is very important for the heart.
Types of Cardio Exercises
There are many types of cardio exercises, which can be useful for different people. Below are examples of some popular cardio exercises:
Running is a popular form of cardiovascular fitness. It increases the heart rate and activates the muscles in all parts of the body.
Cycling is a gentle and effective cardio exercise. It puts pressure on the leg muscles and increases the performance of the lungs and heart.
Swimming is a full body exercise. It not only improves the cardiovascular system, but also increases the elasticity and strength of the muscles.
For those who don’t like heavy exercise, walking can be an excellent cardio exercise. Regular brisk walking improves heart function and helps control weight.
Jumping Rope:
Jumping rope is a simple and effective cardio exercise. It activates all the muscles in the body and increases the heart rate.
How long and how often to do cardio exercises?
As recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organizations, at least 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise should be done per week. You can do this for 30 minutes per day for 5 days if you want. For those who want to exercise at a higher level, they can do 75 minutes of intense cardio exercise.
Regular exercise is beneficial not only for the heart, but for the entire body. However, it is important to consult a doctor or fitness expert before starting exercise, especially if you have any pre-existing heart conditions or physical problems.
Precautions During Cardio Exercise:
Start slow:
In the beginning one should start with light and gentle exercises. The level of exercise should be increased gradually rather than intense exercise.
Drink water:
During exercise, the body loses a lot of water. So drinking enough water is very important.
Get enough rest:
After cardio exercise, the body should be rested. Adequate rest allows the body to recover and muscles to function properly.
Wear proper clothing and footwear:
Using the right clothing and shoes makes exercising more comfortable and reduces the chance of injury.
Cardio exercise is very effective in keeping the heart healthy. It improves blood circulation by increasing the heart rate and increases the body’s ability to absorb oxygen. Incorporating regular cardio exercise into your daily life can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. If you already have any heart related problems, be sure to start cardio exercises with the advice of a doctor. Cardio exercise, done properly, will improve your cardiovascular and overall health, which is essential for long-term wellness.